Did you know that nearly 68 million people listen to podcasts on a monthly basis? Well, until this month you could count me out of that statistic. I still prefer to hold my book in my hands and READ...but I decided to see what all the fuss was about and this is what I learned.

Why do people listen to podcasts?
According to Wenbin Fang at Listen Notes, people listen for ten reasons.
To get over a creative block
To get inspired
To spend time more effectively
To gain an education
To stay informed about current events
To improve wellbeing
To enhance relationships
To move forward in a career
To get motivated
To have fun
I spent some time this month listening to a few new voices. I made a list of education/leadership related podcasts for you. These podcasts are all currently producing new episodes, so check them out and see what you can learn next!
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Podcasts for School Leaders
Available on iTunes or Google Play
EdNext Podcast https://www.educationnext.org/podcasts/
Education Gadfly https://fordhaminstitute.org/resource-types/podcast
Learning Curve https://ricochet.com/podcast/the-learning-curve/learning-curve/
The Learning Leader Show with Ryan Hawk http://learningleader.com/the-podcast/
PodClass with Jason West https://www.listennotes.com/podcasts/podclass-with-jason-west-jason-west-P8i-Qo7vgxS/
Read to Lead with Jeff Brown https://readtoleadpodcast.com
Reality Check with Jeanne Allen - Center for Education Reform https://edreform.com/realitycheck/?fbclid=IwAR0Q5jo-8V9nkGY4rz99rcDmWtcBWS2McH2XrqyzFPi3AbyWYIoinWwR8pU
Voices4Ed: Education Post https://educationpost.org/conversation/podcast/
Apple iTunes Podcasts
Apple Education: Education Leadership Summit https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/edu-summit/id871910884?mt=2
Podcast on Youtube
Charter Chat: "Where charter schools tell their story" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfqQNgrn08c
Listen Notes
If this list doesn't give you something new to listen to, check this out. Listen Notes has a search engine that not only finds podcasts on the topic you enter into the search bar, but it shows you individual episodes from any podcast that happens to cover that topic. It's a great resource!
Check out this blog post to learn more about the impact of podcasts on today's businesses and recent trends: The Growth of Podcasts and Why It Matters
Do you listen to podcasts? What's your favorite podcast? Share the link in the comments below and tell us why you love it.
Looking for your next great book?
Check out this collection of books recommended by charter school leaders like you!
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